Welcome to Petstreet Bakery!
You don’t really need a special day to celebrate your pet’s presence in your life - birthday, adoptiversary, valentines day, friendship's day, new year's eve, christmas, diwali... basically everyday is a celebration when you have a dog in your life. Celebrate anything and everything with a cake baked specially for them.
Full of yummies, free of yuckies!
Sugar Free
Gluten Free
No Preservatives
Freshly Baked
Human Grade Ingredients
Red menu items stand for non-vegetarian cakes - includes chicken & egg.
Green menu items stand for vegetarian cakes - includes egg.
Prices are mentioned for two sizes - 500g & 1kg.
Apple Cake with Peanut Butter/Yogurt: 650/1200 INR
Carrot Cake with Peanut Butter/Yogurt: 650/1200 INR
Mango Cake with Peanut Butter/Yogurt: 650/1200 INR
Apple Cake with Signature Cream: 750/1400 INR
Carrot Cake with Signature Cream: 750/1400 INR
Mango Cake with Signature Cream: 750/1400 INR
Apple Cake with Peanut Butter/Yogurt: 750/1350 INR
Carrot Cake with Peanut Butter/Yogurt: 750/1350 INR
Mango Cake with Peanut Butter/Yogurt: 750/1350 INR
Apple Cake with Signature Cream: 850/1500 INR
Carrot Cake with Signature Cream: 850/1500 INR
Mango Cake with Signature Cream: 850/1500 INR
Now that you know where to get the cake from, please allow us to introduce you to the Petstreet Resort: a place where you can celebrate your dog's birthday, or whichever occasion you're celebrating!

Throw a pool party, a picnic-style playdate, a barbecue or a bonfire evening - or host all of it together at only 350 INR per head. Click here to know more about Petstreet Resort >>

Order a cake or book a birthday party by using the Whatsapp/Messenger button on the bottom of your screens. You may also call us on +917982356066 to inquire more about Petstreet Bakery or Petstreet Resort.