Few things are as important as having healthy bones. They are the support frame for our pet’s entire body.
Calcium is essential to bone structure, but they have many added benefits too! Himalaya HimCal is a dietary supplement for your pets that gives them the calcium and phosphorous amounts recommended by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).
· Calcium supplement for healthy bones and teeth
· Helps prevent milk fever in lactating bitches
· Helps combat rickets
· Always follow recommend dosage
· Consult your vet before you introduce any supplements into your dog’s diet
Calcium is essential to bone structure, but they have many added benefits too! Himalaya HimCal is a dietary supplement for your pets that gives them the calcium and phosphorous amounts recommended by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).
· Calcium supplement for healthy bones and teeth
· Helps prevent milk fever in lactating bitches
· Helps combat rickets
· Always follow recommend dosage
· Consult your vet before you introduce any supplements into your dog’s diet