In a perfect world, puppies and kittens would be able to stay with their mother for two to three months after giving birth. During that time, the mother would wean them off little by little, gradually getting them used to solid foods.
The reality is, though, that most of them are given up for adoption before they are 4 weeks old. Although they can eat solid foods by this point, they are still in the weaning stages and require the kind of nutrients mother’s milk provides but solid food does not. Vetoquinol Samolac Pro’s formula has been developed for exactly this crucial period in your puppy’s or kitten’s life.
· Enriched with enzymes and bacteria that promote gut health
· Stimulates good intestinal flora to combat inflammation as your puppy or kitten gets used to its new solid diet
· Contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins essential to ensure the proper development of your wee one’s immune system
· Always check with your vet before introducing changes to your pet’s diet
· Follow recommended rations and feeding times
Gucci Gyaan: Give your furry baby the best milk substitute on the market, and care for it like only a mother could!